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Stresa, Piedmonte, Italy

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

The dynamic duo return to La Casa del Giardiniere,Stropino, near Stresa, Lake Maggiore

A pre breakfast warm up saw our English visitors Elloit and father Neil completing the circular trip to Stresa (down hill all the way) with a very testing uphill return.The total journey time was 35 mins, averaging 20 k per hour!!.
La colazione pre riscaldamento visto il nostro inglese visitatori Elloit e padre Neil completare il viaggio circolare di Stresa (in discesa tutta la strada), con un tempo di salita molto test return.The viaggio totale è stato di 35 minuti, con una media 20 k ogni ora!.


  1. Magnifico! Did they bring their bikes over by air or by car?

    1. Whilst we have some bikes for ambling round, or for shopping, the hills and mountains locally deserve a little more respect.
      This family brought their own racing bikes, although we can arrange hire locally.
      The circuit round Monte Mottarone is part of the Italian giro, so quite testing!!

    2. Sorry omitted they brought by car, although the budget airlines offer some great deals.
